issue000220 | Commit the adjoint (backward) space-time kinetics method in module KINSOL: |
issue000221 | Correct a memory allocation issue (clusters) in module G2S: |
issue000222 | Add support for Intel Fortran compiler (ifort) in Makefiles |
issue000223 | Correct headers for IGE-378 programmers guide |
issue000224 | Implement Boltzmann-Fokker-Planck SN discretization in 3D Cartesian geometry
issue000225 | Correct a side effect in CCCC file utility XDREED /XDRITE |
issue000226 | Correct a burnup depletion issue with the NDAS reader |
issue000227 | Implement support for electroatomic matxs libraries
issue000228 | Correct a regression from version 5.0.6 related to delayed fission spectra normalization |
issue000229 | Implement a WIMS-3.1 compatible TAPE16-CPO interface |
issue000230 | Replace gcc-9 with gcc-11 in makefiles |
issue000231 | Correct a XABORT logic related to SPLITL keyword in TRIVAC |
issue000232 | Correct a memory allocation issue in module SALT: |
issue000233 | Correct a long-standing bug with TYPE S high-order (spatial) SN cases |
issue000234 | Correct programming issues in module NXT: |
issue000235 | Implement keyword RESK in module LIB: for MATXS2 libraries |
issue000236 | Desactivate THMAVG in 2x2 assembly split cases |
issue000237 | Add a single cell non-regression test in module THM: |
issue000238 | Add a non-regression test for module NAP: |
issue000239 | Implement modules BREF: , NSST: and NSSF: for supporting equivalent reflector calculations
issue000240 | Correct a SPLITL bug in module RESINI:
issue000241 | Reprogram DOORFV.f subroutine to improve ONEG parallelism |
issue000242 | Correct a wrong NCOMB value in module EVO:
issue000243 | Implement HDF5 file support in the Ganlib5 kernel
issue000244 | Implement the Apex multiparameter interpolation module ACR:
issue000245 | Add keyword * in module EDI: to compute assembly discontinuity factors
issue000246 | Improve support of Boltzmann-Fokker-Planck equation solutions in module LIB: |
issue000247 | Implement the Galerkin Discontinuous approximation with the Boltzmann-Fokker-Planck solution |
issue000248 | Improve XABORT logic in module LIB: |
issue000249 | Correct a memory corruption issue in PyGan
issue000250 | Implement directional sources with SN Cartesian discretizations |
issue000251 | Implement cyclic tracking of equilateral triangular geometry in module SALT: |
issue000252 | Implement SPH support with Apex multiparameter libraries |
issue000253 | Implement support of options CPINX and CPINY in modules G2S: and NXT: |
issue000254 | Complete implementation of the Sternheimer correction in module LIB: |
issue000255 | Correct a NOEV /MIXB issue in module EVO: |