The following improvements have been added between Version 4.0.1 and 4.0.2:

issue000047 Put NJOY to up259 update level
issue000048 Correct the SIGS array recovered by module CRE:
issue000049 Correct STEP DOWN in module UTL:
issue000050 Update the documentation of PyNjoy and rename it as IGE305
issue000051 Change record name COMMEN to COMMENT in COMPO: and NCR:
issue000052 Implement GMRES(m) algorithm in SN method
issue000053 Put NJOY to upnea021_up250 level
issue000054 Complete the implementation of Donjon V4
issue000055 Add interoperability of SHI: with all solution modules
issue000056 Modifications in NCR: requested for CRD/ACR project
issue000057 Reimplement the double-heterogeneity treatment (Bihet):
  • Reimplement Bihet using the scattering reduction technique
  • Implement the Sanchez-Pomraning model
  • Make Bihet compatible with non-PIJ (i.e. ARM) solution types
issue000058 Implement the double-heterogeneity treatment with the method of characteristics
issue000059 Initial support of gfortran compiler
issue000060 Improve delta-sigma capabilities of the multicompo database
issue000061 Implement the subgroup projection method (SPM):
  • modify the USS: module
  • update NJOY99 to upnea027_up259 level
  • add SHEM361 energy mesh
  • add non-regression tests for SHEM295 and SHEM361.
issue000062 Initial support of Intel Macintosh (little endian)
issue000063 Implement the keyword NSDSA in SN cases
issue000064 Implement space-time kinetics (theta method) in Trivac
issue000065 Improvement of the non-sectorized DP-0 and DP-1 PIJ calculations in Sybil:
  • Uniformization of the tracking for all PIJ integrators
  • Add the possibility to void the outer crown in pincells
  • Implement Flurig scheme in hexagonal no-sectorized geometries
  • Collect integer and real tracking information in distinct arrays.
issue000066 Implement EDF-style SPH homogenization
issue000067 Bring NXT: to Dragon 3.06 level
issue000068 Various corrections to the PyNJOY library production system:
  • Correct a2b_drglib datafiles for Draglib ascii -> binary conversion
  • Correct save scripts for Macintosh Intel computers
  • Correct a limit of group-91 in SHEM-295 and SHEM-361
issue000069 Implement the possibility to define NFTOT in MAC:
issue000070 Initial commit of the multigroup Monte-Carlo method
issue000071 Correct the PIJ-PIJ SPH equivalence in non-standard homogenization cases
issue000072 Implement adjoint calculations:
  • Introduction of T: module for macrolib transposition
  • Add the possibility to transpose the ACA operator
issue000073 Introduction of GPT capabilities in Dragon:
  • Part 1: Gradient of the macrolib as GPT source.
  • Part 2: Solution of a fixed source eigenvalue equation.
issue000074 Improve PyNjoy system:
  • Implement Njoy99 updates to upnea035_up259 level
  • Increase the egrid discretization in thermr (IRSN proposal)
  • Add isotopes (H1_CH2, graphite, tungstene, etc.) in PyNjoy data files
issue000075 Correct a NCR: interpolation error in instantaneous cases
issue000076 Initial support of the new CEA2005v4.1 Apollib2 library
issue000077 Implement quadrupole range (QR) quadratures in SNT:
issue000078 Set of corrections to be implemented in Dragon 3.06A