This page provides a link toward computational schemes and sample data files written by graduate students over years. They are given as examples to help producing custom data files. No warranty of any sort is given about their accuracy or correctness. This information is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
Student contributions:
Robert Roy: Development of 2D/3D Cartesian-geometry capabilities in EXCELL module of Dragon.
Ph. D. thesis (PDF)
Alain Monier: Development of the Improved Quasistatic method in Donjon3.
Ph. D. thesis (PDF)
Abdelhak Benaboud: Development of hexagonal-geometry capabilities in Trivac.
Ph. D. thesis (PDF)
Mohamed Ouisloumen: Development of hexagonal-geometry capabilities in Dragon.
Ph. D. thesis (PDF)
Romain Le Tellier: Development of the method of characteristics with algebraic collapsing acceleration (ACA) in Dragon. Computational schemes on Candu-NG, 17x17 PWR assembly, Basala-type BWR assembly. Tripoli4 validation.
Karthikeyan Ramamoorthy: Computational schemes on Candu-NG, Candu-6, Wigner-Seitz cells (U and Th). MCNP5 and Monteburns validation.
Joel Le Mer: Computational schemes on 17x17 PWR assembly (EDF type). Work sponsored by EDF.
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Richard Chambon: Thesis on Candu fuel optimization at time-averaged conditions using Optex.
Ph. D. thesis (PDF)
Nicolas Martin: Thesis on high-order diamond schemes for the discrete ordinates method.
Thibaud Reysset: Two-level computational schemes for PWR. Work sponsored by GRS (Germany).
Marc-Andre Lajoie: Explicit treatment of distributed spheres (pebble-bed geometry) in Cartesian geometry (in French).
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Majid Fassi Fehri: Neutronics-thermohydraulics coupling for a CANDU-6 reactor (in French).
Rémi Vallerent: Development of two-level computational schemes in DRAGON4 (in French). Work sponsored by EDF.
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Christophe Bodin: Development of computational schemes taking into accound environmental effects in DRAGON4 and DONJON4 (in French). Work sponsored by EDF.
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Benjamin Toueg: History-based computational schemes for PWR (in French). Work sponsored by EDF.
Nicolas Martin: Thesis on application of probability tables (in energy and angle) in the context of multigroup Monte Carlo method (in French). Application to lattice calculations in fundamental mode. Work sponsored by IRSN.
Ph. D. thesis (PDF)
Maxime Guyot: Implementation of full-core micro-depletion in DONJON4. Work sponsored by AECL.
Cécile Carre: Computational schemes for burning URT (reprocessed uranium) fuel in a CANDU-6 (in French). Work sponsored by AREVA NP.
Vincent Descotes: Reactor physics of a deep-burner prismatic VHTR core. Work sponsored by Idaho National Lab.
Frédéric Simon: Code-to-code validation of the Subgroup Projection Method for simple types of thermal- and fast-reactor unit cells (in French). Work sponsored by CEA/Cadarache.
Cédric Laville: Comparison of various sensitivity schemes based on codes TSUNAMI, DRAGON4, APOLLO2 and MORET4 (in French). Work sponsored by IRSN.
Hem Prabha Raghav: Development of NXT-compatible trackings in 2D- and 3D-hexagonal geometries.
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Agnès Casenave: Development of two-level computational schemes in DRAGON4 and coupling with PARCS (in French). Work sponsored by IRSN.
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Sarra Zoghlami: Study of a super-critical CANDU reactor (in French).
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Thomas Clerc: Optimization of radial reflector properties in a PWR using OPTEX and ADAO methodologies (in French). Work sponsored by EDF.
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Bradford Holmes: Automated refueling simulations of a CANDU for the exploitation of thorium fuels.
Charlotte Bay: Transport core solver validation for ASTRID conceptual design studies (in French). Work sponsored by CEA/Cadarache.
Éric Frenette: Development of an hybrid method for fuel management studies in a CANDU reactor (in French). Work sponsored by Hydro-Québec.
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Law Wai Cheung: Monte Carlo simulation on sodium fast reactor.
Baptiste Delattre: Study of a super-critical hybrid CANDU reactor (in French).
Kevin Herbreteau: Development of computational schemes for sodium fast reactor fissile and fertile assemblies (in French).
B. Eng. report (PDF)
Axel Canbakan: Validation of one-level computational schemes based on subgroup method, SHEM-361/295 and MOC for PWR assembly calculations in APOLLO2 and DRAGON5 (in French). Work sponsored by CEA/Cadarache.
Paul Gallet: Implementation of a simplified thermal-hydraulics model in DONJON for steady-state and transient multiphysics PWR applications (in French).
Nathan Greiner: Study of a neutronics-thermomechanics coupling for PWR assemblies (in French). Work sponsored by EDF.
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Simon Berche: APOLLO3-TRIPOLI4 validation study for lattice assemblies and colorsets of the ASTRID reactor (in French). Work sponsored by CEA/SPRC.
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Virginie Huy: Development of computational schemes for the analysis of the CREOLE experiment with DRAGON (in French). Work sponsored by IRSN.
PFE report (PDF)
Olivier Lancien: Verification of reactivity coefficients for a PWR using codes DRAGON5 and DONJON5 (in French). Work sponsored by IRSN.
PFE report (PDF)
Alexandre Laurier: Implementation of the SPH procedure within the MOOSE finite element framework. Work sponsored by Idaho National Lab.
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Aaron Greganti: Study of micro-depletion models for APOLLO3 calculations in SFR core. Work sponsored by CEA/SPRC.
Alvaro Bernal: Calculation of non-fundamental modes in TRIVAC5 with SLEPc.
Marie Decroocq: Study of historical effects in multi-parameter interpolation (in French).
Clément Liegeard: Development and validation on computational schemes for gamma energy deposition in APOLLO2/COCAGNE framework (in French). Work sponsored by EDF.
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Luca Liponi: Calculation and verification of assembly discontinuity factors for the DRAGON/PARCS code sequence. Work sponsored by IRSN.
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Amandin Paquet: SERPENT2-based multiphysic coupling for the study of a reactivity pulse in the CABRI reactor (in French).
Lucas Fede and Paul Ferney: DRAGON5/DONJON5-based multiphysic coupling for the study of a reactivity pulse in the CABRI reactor (in French).
B. Eng. report and data archives ()
Redouane Idhime and Maxime Goulu: KENO5-DRAGON5 validation of the BAW Core XI loadings (in French).
Tom Gerrier: SERPENT2-DRAGON5 validation of the pincell Yamamoto benchmark with burnup (in French).
Kevin Frohlicher: Validation of a reference zero-burnup computational scheme in APOLLO3 on the BEAVRS benchmark (in French). Work sponsored by CEA/SPRC.
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Martin Guillet: Assessment of the impact of full-core calculations with DONJON5 in nuclear scenario simulations with CLASS (in French). Work sponsored by LPSC/Grenoble.
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Mudimbi Musongela: Generalization of the heterogeneous leakage model TIBERE to the method of characteristics (in French).
Ph. D. thesis (PDF)
Levon Ghasabyan: Validation of DRAGON5 lattice code for PWR applications using depletion benchmarks by detailed comparison with SERPENT2 Monte Carlo code.
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Maxime Paradis: Inclusion of the DRAGON5-DONJON5 calculation chain in the simulation of hybrid pressurized water reactors via CLASS (in French).
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Atyab Ahmad Calloo: Parallel Discontinuous Finite Element SN Solver in Cartesian and Hexagonal Geometries for the Boltzmann Transport Equation in DRAGON5.
Ph. D. thesis (PDF)
Ulysse Letennier: Thermohydraulic-neutronic coupling (CATHENA3-DONJON5) for the safety analysis of the Canadian SCWR (in French).
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
GitHub archive (GitHub website)
Sami Machach: Study of nodal equivalence techniques applied to reflector models in pressurized water reactors (in French). Work sponsored by Framatome.
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Tengxiang Ren: Solving the neutron transport equation with the isogeometric finite element method (in French).
Cyprien Richard: Contribution to the development of a computational scheme based on the DRAGON5 code for the neutron study of rods and VVER type reactor assemblies (in French).
M. Ing. thesis (PDF)
Lucas Fede and Mathias François: Development of computational schemes with the Dragon5 lattice code for the simulation of VVER-1000 type reactor assemblies and validation with the Serpent2 stochastic code (in French).
Fabio Inzirillo: Development of a Python library for the generation of 2D unstructured geometries of radial reflectors in support of industrial model verification. Work sponsored by Framatome.
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Raphael Guasch: Validation of a deterministic APOLLO3 scheme for accidental conditions on Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors. Work sponsored by CEA/SPRC.
M. Sc. A. thesis (PDF)
Nicolas Weisse: Contribution to the modelization of VVER reactor cores in VERSION5. Design of VVER minicore geometries.
Pierre Fontaine and Philippe Panisi: Contribution to the modeling of a VVER minicore in the DRAGON5 environment and validation with the Serpent2 stochastic code (in French).
Other academic contributions:
Alain Hébert: Appendices A and B on CP calculation in a pincell.
CEA Ph. D. thesis (PDF)
Jacques A. Ferland: Development of a linear programming method with an additional quadratic constraint solved by parametric linear complementarity.
University of Montreal collaboration (PDF)
Naïma Lyoussi-Charrat: Development and validation of the TDT tracking in APOLLO2.
CEA Ph. D. thesis (PDF)
Xavier Warin: Notice théorique de la méthode des caractéristiques 2D et du générateur de trajectoires SALT.
EDF collaboration (PDF)
R. Roy, G. Marleau, A. Hébert and D. Rozon: A Cyclic Tracking Procedure for Collision Probability Calculations in 2-D Lattices.
Paper presented at the Int. Top. Mtg. on Advances in Mathematics, Computations and Reactor Physics, Pittsburgh, USA, April 28 - May 2 (1991) (PDF)
R. Chambon: Specifications and user's guide for NAP:
module in DRAGON/DONJON VERSION5 (Pin Power Reconstruction module).
R. Chambon: Implementation of pin power reconstruction capabilities in the DRAGON5/PARCS system.
R. Chambon: Exsite-DRAGLIB: Improvement of the interface for Draglib generation with AMPX
Alain Hébert: THM: module theory guide
GAN report IGE-409 (PDF)
Physor-2008 slides on SHEM-361 (PDF)
CNS-2008 slides on OECD/NEA 3D benchmark (PDF)
Quality assurance in Version4 (PDF)
Les réacteurs CANDU (PDF)
Enrichissement des fichiers APEX avec Version5 (PDF)
GLOW, un générateur de géométries surfaciques non-natives (PDF)
GLOW status (PDF)
Version4-related documents:
Version5 alpha is the export of the repository used during the alpha phase of development. It contains a complete 64-bit clean code implementation of the upcoming Version 4.1 distribution build around the Version5 kernel. An example of YACS coupling for SALOME is given starting in ev387. Version5 ev718 also contains the prototype Jargon framework, a Java platform for executing Trivac and Dragon.
Version5-related documents:
Version5 quality assurance (QA) procedures guide (PDF)
Dragon reports collection ()
AECL subroutine library (AELIB):
SPOT prototype:
The Synthesis Proper Orthogonal Tracking method is a synthesis 2D/1D prototype in Dragon5.
Jargon Version5 project:
Jargon Version5 is an object-oriented Java framework designed to encapsulate Cle-2000 procedures and DRAGON/DONJON modules into classes. Jargon can be used to perform multi-physics supervision and to design graphical user interfaces.
V5-PyKit project:
V5-PyKit is a collection of APEX and MPO utilities build around the Version5 system.
WLUP libraries (WIMSD4
keyword in DRAGON):
WIMSE libraries (WIMSE
keyword in DRAGON):
Special draglib libraries:
XMAS-172, JEF 2.2, P5, little-endian (gz)
Apolib-99, JEF 2.2, P3, little-endian (gz)
SHEM-295, JEFF 3.1.1, P3, little-endian, new generation (gz)
Few little-endian libraries used by Dragon non-regression tests (tgz)
Merlin is owned by: École Polytechnique de
For more information contact: Alain